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Utorrent Nanaksar Sukh I Sahib [pdf] Book Full Version Zip


Nanaksar Sukhmani Sahib Pdf Download Heart of Sikhism-Guru Granth Saheb.pdf The heart is the universal home of the soul that is suffering, suffering due to ignorance and not knowing how to achieve joy and happiness in this material world."That suffering has no end, until it reaches the oceanic awareness of God within oneself. A:A: i:i:i:u:U u:u'u u:'u Sikhi is the eternal truth. It is not created or changed by any action or reaction of its followers. Truth never has an opposite. Truth is the eternal and unchanging light of the consciousness of God in which humanity has been united for ages. The God within us can never be separated from the whole that we are made up of, and we cannot ever be different from that whole that we inhabit." "God does not appear to be buried in the material world, if one regards Him with His own eyes and not with those of another's mind. His existence is apparent, but the immortality of His existence is not apparent. It is He alone who exists in God Himself." "Sikhism is the only religion that was born in distress. It has no happiness of its own to offer to mankind, no hope to redeem human sorrow, no power or authority to inspire men with confidence, none of the ecstatic inspiration which makes any other religion appealing. But if on its own it brings no comfort or hope, it does at least remove the one thing that makes all others intolerable - the fear of Heaven." "Man cannot have an inventive or an intelligent God. Such a God would be an idol. He must have no ideal, no system, no religion even. He must have nothing to say to man, but man must have everything to say to Him." "There are many disorders in the world, because people are not prepared to lose their rights for the sake of their duties." "Those who suffer by disease and pain in this world should bear it in such a way that when they reach God's Court they may not be condemned for having caused suffering in others by unjust deeds or selfishness. The Judge of the universe is kind and merciful, but He is also stern and impartial. There is no favouritism with Him." "The reward for doing good deeds in this world is happiness in the next." "The Sikh who would become a soldier of God must learn to be a warrior on earth before he learns to be a soldier in heaven." "He who has troubled or caused pain to any one, however small it may be, will have to answer for it at the last day. cfa1e77820


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